HYOGO's Blog


ベトナム研修:Summary and Reflections

The theme for this year’s Vietnam research trip was focused on plastic materials and the various social issues surronding them. Through this research trip, our students were able to explore the complex relationship between Vietnam and plastic materials through a very full schedule of lectures, tours, exhibitions, and experiences. 
On Day 1, we got first hand experience with daily life in Hanoi. Experiencing cultural differences in crossing the street and learning about how much water we would need in order to adjust to the weather were unexpected and eye opening. From this very first day, we were able to realize that each person could generate a lot of plastic waste just by staying hydrated. 

On Day 2, we visited the Institute of Tropical Technology and the Institute of Environmental Technologies. From this day until the end of the trip, students and teachers from the HUS High School for Gifted Students (HSGS) joined us in the research program and exchanged culture with us. We learned about what challenges are unique to Vietnam’s climate. Then we traveled to Ninh Binh and took a tour of Trang An by boat. The scenery was amazing, and we felt how important it is to preserve the area from plastic waste. The area nearby has started to develop more over the years, so it is clear that careful planning must be conducted to avoid problems with waste from an increase in tourism. 

On Day 3, we returned to Hanoi and learned more about Vietnam’s long history in ceramics and about the military events that helped shape the country. We were able to reflect on how making use of the resources available in our surroundings can have both positive and negative effects on the world. In the afternoon, we visited one of the Urban Environmental Company (URENCO) sites responsible for treating hazardous medical waste and making it a little safer for general disposal.

On Day 4, we toured another URENCO site. This one was responsible for recycling plastic waste into a fuel source and low cost building materials. It was interesting that after seeing the raw materials being processed, we were then able to recognize where they were being used. We then were fortunate enough to attend a trade show and have questions answered about current and future trends in commercial usage of plastics in the region. We ended this day by visiting a lake affected by the 2016 Vietnam marine life disaster. It was in a better condition after Vietnamese and Japanese joint efforts to clean it up. But as with the other efforts and programs we learned about, maintaining direct involvement from international partners and sustained momentum in projects are still challenges that need to be addressed.

On Day 5, we had joint presentations and games with the HSGS at their school campus. Sharing our cultural backgrounds, our understanding thus far, and our predictions for the future was a great experience. The staff and students were very thoughtful and accommodating hosts, and we hope to give them all a similar experience in Japan in the future. 

On Day 6, we visited the Hanoi University of Science and Technology and observed current projects that are focused on plastics. The lab and its members collaborate with Osaka University and conduct research together. They all seemed constantly busy with projects, so we were very grateful for the time they gave to us. We went “through the looking glass” at the facilities supported by BK Holdings. We spent the rest of the day touring museums and the city of Hanoi with our friends at HSGS until our flight back to Japan late at night. 

Each place and piece of information helped to add detail to the ongoing story about interconnections of cultural attitudes, material usage, waste management, and the pressure to innovate. Every moment of this research trip was filled with valuable lessons and information that we hope will serve to inspire not only the students that were fortunate enough to have this opportunity, but also those that are able to observe the presentations and research generated by this study tour.


2日目:午前中に、熱帯技術研究所環境技術研究所を訪問した。そこで、この後5日間、一緒に研修プログラムに参加するHSGS *1 の生徒と引率の先生方と合流した。研究所では、ベトナムの気候による特有の課題について知ることができた。その後、ニンビンに移動し、ボートで世界遺産に登録されているチャンアンを観光した。ボートからの景色はすばらしく、プラスチックごみからこの地域を守ることがいかに重要かを感じた。近隣の地域は年々開発が進んでおり、観光客の増加による廃棄物の問題を避けるために、慎重な計画が必要であると感じられた。 

3日目:私たちはハノイに戻り、ベトナムの陶磁器における長い歴史や、今日のベトナムの形成につながる軍事的な歴史について学んだ。これらを通じて、私たちの身の回りにある資源(知識や技術)を活用することが、世界にとってプラスにもマイナスにもなることを考えることができた。午後は、URENCO *2 の1つを訪問した。この施設は、危険な医療廃棄物を処理し、一般廃棄物として、少しでも安全なものにする役割を担っていた。 



6日目:Hanoi University of Science and Technologyを訪問し、プラスチックに焦点を当てた、進行中のプロジェクトを見学した。訪問した研究施設は大阪大学やJICAの支援を受け、共同研究を行っていた。研究員の方々は、それぞれの研究にとても忙しそうだったが、私たちのために時間を割いて解説をして下さった。その後、大学敷地内にある、BKホールディングスが支援するIT系の人材育成施設を見学した。「鏡の国のアリス」のような不思議なデザインの建物だった。その後、ハノイ市内観光やタンロン遺跡を見学し、 HSGSの生徒や先生と、夜遅くに日本に戻るフライトまでの時間楽しくを過ごした。 



*1 HSGS : HUS High School for Gifted Students 
*2 URENCO: Urban Environmental Company