it's amazing how fast two years fly by. I remember when I was in high school and all I wanted was for my time to go faster. Now l'm standing on the other side of the podium, and I wish my time was going slower. When I picked up a Japanese grammar book at my local book store five years ago, I didn't expect it to eventually let me here. Yet, here I am. Two years and a lifetime of memories later, and it's almost time for the adventure to end. And it has been the adventure of a lifetime.
( I experienced many different things in Japan.) I've climbed to the top of Mount Fuji, I've dived in the oceans of Okinawa, visited temples older than America, seen real life sci-fi robots, and done so many things that just aren't possible in my home country. Every time a chance came, I made sure to have a new adventure. It's been everything I could dream of, and so much more. But none of it would have happened without all of you.
(Before I came here) Kodera High School needed a new English speaker to teach here, the students needed a new teacher, and I was chosen. Me coming to Japan, and all the memories and happiness I have felt, enough for an entire lifetime, it's because of all of you. Being your teacher is more than ever deserved, not just because of the adventures it allowed me, but because seeing you kids every day was a joy. All of you are so full of life, and so eager to do your best that it constantly inspired me. It inspired me to be a better teacher, to be a better person. And seeing you here now, knowing that this is probably the last time, it's hard to accept.
However, life goes on. I'll go back to America and do great things, and all of you will someday graduate and do great things yourselves. Because I believe in all of you. Every single one of you has the potential to change the world. To be an amazing person who can make a difference. And you don't need to create a cure for cancer or achieve world peace, just be kind to others. Showing kindness to others, being accepting of others, and going out of your way to help others is how you make the world better. Even if you only help one person, the world is still a better place than it was before. Don't think one person can't make a difference. It's the only thing that has. I am in the unique position of having taught all of you. Every single student seated here has been my student at some point. As were the students who graduated in the previous school year. And in the school year before that. So I want to end things with one final lesson for all of you.
Life isn't easy. It will never be easy. You will fail 10 times for every success that you have. And it's not fun to fail. You feel like you're not good enough, like your efforts meant nothing, like you'll never become anything that others will be proud of.
And then the next day comes, and you'l stil alive. And so long as you're alive, you can always try again. Because guess what, if you work your hardest, and you learn from your failures, and you don't complain or blame others, and you get up again and again and again and again, the only thing you can do is succeed. And if you don't get exactly what you wanted, then just remember, there's a million paths to happiness. Just because the path you've been taking is blocked, it doesn't mean you can't take a different one. Keep an open mind, and remember that there will always be people who support you and love you.
I told you I picked up that grammar book five years ago. l've been your teacher for two years. What did I do in those other three years? I applied for a job that would bring me to Japan. I applied countless times. For three whole years. Over and over again, I was rejected. But I kept working hard. I learned how to teach English, I learned Japanese, and I never gave up. And look where I am now. This dream took me three years to achieve, and I'll remember my time in Japan until the day I die.
So when life gets too hard, remember me. Remember that there is always success for those who give 110%(120%) and aren't afraid to go after what they want. Because you can do an be anything that you want. You have your own adventures to look forward to, your own oceans cross. Believe in yourselves. Do your best. Be good to others. We only have this one life. Make yours unique, and remember to smile. Always.
○10 Now for the final time: Everyone, please stand up. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for everything you have given me. love you al! Thank you) Goodbye everyone.
![]( こんなに早く2年が過ぎるなんてすごいです。 高校生の時、時間が早く進んで早く大人になりたいと思っていました。
今、大人になって、先生になって、時間がゆっくりならいいのにと思います。 5年前、アメリカの本屋で日本語の教科書を買った時、日本に来ることになるとは思っていませんでした。でも、僕は今ここにいます。2年間で一生分の思い出をつくりました。もうすぐ日本での冒険が終わります。一生残る思い出になると思います。
僕が来る前、香寺高校は新しい英語の先生を探していました。 生徒達には、新しい先生が必要で僕が選ばれました。 僕が日本に来て、一生分のたくさんの思い出や幸せを感じたのは、みんなのおかげです。 みんなの先生になれたのは貴重な経験でした。 たくさんのわくわくする思い出ができ、毎日みんなと会えたことが楽しかったです。 みんなとっても元気でいつも頑張っていて、僕もいい影響を受けました。いい先生で、いい人間になろうと思えました。今、ここでみなさんと会うのが最後だということは信じたくないです。
僕はここにいる全員と授業で会いました。めずらしいと思います。 みんな全員どこかのタイミングで僕の授業を受けました。 去年、卒業した先輩もそうです。その前の先輩もです。
人生は簡単ではありません。1回何かを成功する前に10回は失敗があります。 失敗は楽しくないです。自分の力が足りないとか、頑張ったことが無駄になるとか、周りの人に評価してもらえないとか、思うかもしれません。
でも、そんな中でも、次の日も、人生は続きます。 生きていれば何度でも挑戦できます。たくさん頑張って失敗してから学んでください。 文句を言わないで、他の人を責めたりもしないで、そして何度も何度も何度も何度も立ち上がれば、成功が待っています。希望とまったく同じようにはいかないかもしれません。 でも、幸せにはたくさんの道があります。自分の道がダメになっても、そこで終わりではありません。心を閉ざさないでください。いつでも助けてくれる人、愛してくれる人がいると覚えておいてください。
だから人生で辛くなったときは僕を思い出してください。自分の夢のために120%を出せる人は必ずうまくいきます。みんなは何でもできます。何にでもなれます。 これから、冒険が待っています。自分だけの冒険です。自分を信じてください。ベストを尽くしてください。みんなに優しくしてください。人生は一度きりです。特別な人生にしてください。そしていつも、笑顔を忘れないでください。
では最後に。みなさん立ってください。 みんなに心の底からお礼を言います。僕にたくさんの思い出をありがとうござました。 みんなが大好きです。ありがとう。さようなら。