English Weblog
Halloween Lesson Report
Halloween Lesson Report.
In English communication classes with the ALT and Japanese English teachers, students have been learning about Halloween. The students have learned about Halloween's origins and how the holiday is celebrated in the present time.
In the first lesson, students did a listening exercise where they listened for missing words in sentences and filled in blanks on their worksheets. They then were introduced to “monster vocabulary”, such as “claws, fangs, tail” etc. and created original monsters which they described making English sentences. For example: “It has a long green tail, and sharp fangs and a scary face”.
In the second lesson the students reviewed English “body parts” words such as, "arms, legs, mouth" etc, and then enjoyed playing a fun drawing description game.
In the drawing game students made pairs, and one person faced the television screen and the other person had their back to the screen. The person who could see the screen described the picture, and the other person drew a picture from their partner's description. They took turns drawing and describing, switching places after each picture.
It is a very fun game that never fails to create lots of excitement and laughter!

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